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Facial Oxygen Airbrush, Toner Nano Mist Steamer, 0.3mm Sprayer, USB Rechargeable

SKU: TS00050

Good for applying serums and toners
I've been noticing people talking about spraying on their serums and toners so when I saw this I decided to give it a try. There's a definite learning curve because you need to close your eyes to apply it - at least in the beginning until you get better - and I dunno about you but I can't see what I'm doing with my eyes closed. To solve the issue, I have my daughter spray me and I spray her. It goes quicker AND, as a plus for her, she gets to try whatever product I'm using. So yeah, it's a win-win. So perhaps if that's what's holding you back as well, grab a sibling or a friend (or your mom) and take turns applying it on each other.I do plan to keep practicing on my own because I want to try to get good at airbrushing makeup. That sounds fun. If I get good enough I might start a youtube video tutorial for mature ladies on how to do it.I'm having a blast so of course I highly recommend it.